Moggia, C., Valdes, Y., Arancibia, A., Valdes, M., Radrigan, C., Icaza, G., Beaudry, R., Lobos, G.A. 2022. A Comparison of Firmness Assessment Instruments for Fresh Blueberry Fruit. Horttechnology (IF: 1,087)
Moggia, C., Peñaloza, O., Torres, J., Romero-Bravo, S., Sepulveda, D., Jara, R., Vivanco, S., Valdés, M., Zuñiga, M., Beaudry, R.M., Lobos, G.A. 2022. Within-plant variability in blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) II: Is a shorter harvest interval always the ideal strategy to maximize fruit firmness? Postharvest Biology and Technology (IF: 5,537). Aceptada.
Moggia C., Valdés Y., Arancibia A., Valdés M., Radrigán C., Beaudry R., Lobos G.A. 2021. Reliability of tactile and instrumental firmness assessment in fresh blueberry fruit segregated by firmness at harvest. HortTechonology (IF: 1,06).
Yuri, J., Moggia, C., Sepúlveda, A., Poblete-Echeverría, C., Valdés-Gómez, H., Torres, C. 2019. Effect of cultivar, rootstock, and growing conditions on fruit maturity and postharvest quality as part of a six-year apple trial in Chile. Scientia Horticulturae 253, 70-79 (IF: 2,769)
Lobos, G.A., Bravo, C., Valdés, M., Graell, J., Lara, I., Beaudry, R., Moggia, C. 2018. “Within-plant variability in blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum, L.): maturity at harvest and position within the canopy influence fruit firmness at harvest ans postharvest. Postharvest Biol. Technol. 146, 26-35.
Moggia, C., González, C., Lobos, G.A., Bravo, C., Valdés, M., Lara, I., Graell, J. 2018. “Changes in quality and maturity of Duke and Brigitta blueberries during fruit development: postharvest implications. Acta Hortic. 1194, ISHS 2018: 1495-1501.
Moggia, C., Beaudry, R.M., Retamales, J. , Lobos, G.A. 2017. “Variation in the impact of stem scar and cuticle on water loss in highbush blueberry fruit argue for the use of water permeance as a selection criterion in breeding”. Postharvest Biol. Technol. 132, 88-96.
Moggia, C., Graell, J., Lara, I., González, G., Lobos, G.A. 2017. “Firmness at harvest influences development of internal browning of highbush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)” Frontiers in Plant Science, 8,1-11
Moggia, C., Graell, J., Lara, I., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., Thomas-Valdés, S., Lobos, G.A. 2016. “Fruit Characteristics and Cuticle Triterpenes as Related to Postharvest Quality of Highbush Blueberries”. Scientia Horticulturae, 211, 449-457
Schiappacasse, F., Moggia, C., Rojas, M.P., Musalem, M. 2016. “Ethylene spray influences flowering of the Chilean bromeliad Fascicularia bicolor”. Idesia 34, 71-76.
Moggia, C., Pereira, M., Yuri, J.A., Torres, C.A., Hernández, O., Icaza, M.G., Lobos, G.A. 2015. “Preharvest factors that affect the development of internal browning in apples cv. Cripp’s Pink: Six-years compiled data”. Postharvest Biol. Technol. 101, 49-57.
Schiappacasse, F., Moggia, C., Contreras, R. 2014. “Studies with long term storage of cut flowers of Hydrangea macrophylla”. Idesia 32, 71-76.
Retamales, J.B., Moggia, C., Godoy, R. Lobos, G.A., Romero, S. 2014. "Repeated applications of CPPU on highbush blueberry cv. Duke increase yield and enhance fruit quality at harvest and during postharvest”, Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research. Volume 74, Issue 2, pp: 157 – 161.
Retamales, J.B.; Palma, M.J.; Morales, Y.; Lobos, G.; Moggia, C.; Mena, C. 2014. “Blueberry production in Chile: Current Status and Future Developments”. Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal - SP, v. 36, n. 1, pp:. 58-67
Moggia, C., Lobos, G.A. Retamales, J.B. 2014. "Modified Atmosphere Packaging in Blueberries: Effect of Harvest Time and Moment of Bag Sealing". Acta Horticulturae 1017 pp:153-158
Lobos, G.A. Moggia, C., Retamales, J.B. & Sánchez, C. 2014. “Effect of mechanized (self-propelled or shaker) vs. Hand harvest on fruit quality of blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) in postharvest”. Acta Horticulturae 1017 pp: 141-145. |